Supervised Contact Services
Family Ties provides Supervised Family Contact Visits that are not just observational.
Our supervisors are friendly, compassionate, child-focused and supportive. We provide parents with role modelling and guidance on positive parenting in a supportive manner.
Our supervisors always put the children at the forefront of every decision and will encourage parents and children to engage and interact in meaningful ways.
Supervised contact visits provide parents with the opportunity to evidence their parenting skills and build upon the connection that they hold with their children. The supervisor will discreetly take observational notes which will become the body of the written report. The supervisor will also offer any support and guidance if required.
Supervised Changeovers
The Family Ties Contact Service also provides Supervised Changeovers.
Here, we facilitate the handover of a child from one parent/carer to another. This ensures parents or parties do not have to have face-to-face contact with each other if so desired.
This is a useful service for families where there is a high level of conflict and where parents want to ensure that their children are not exposed to such conflict or anxiety. In particular this is useful for families where there are Court Orders in place (eg ADVO) that prevent parties from having any contact with each other. Changeovers take place at an agreed location and a report can be prepared at the request of the parents or the Court. There is a minimum time frame of 1 hour for this service.
Meet & Greet
Family Ties recommends Meet & Greet Sessions for all families using our Service for visits.
The session is arranged prior to the commencement of supervised visits and runs for a minimum of one hour. It takes place in the child’s home, where they feel most comfortable, and enables them to become familiar with the allocated supervisor.
Family Ties considers this process to be an important step in reassuring children who are anxious about future contact visits and provides them with an opportunity to ask the supervisor questions.
It’s also an opportunity to get to know your child, what their likes and dislikes are and how they invisage the contact with other parent going.
Transportation Services
If required, we also offer a transport service for children to and from contact visits. This is helpful for families who do not drive, have no access to a car or just need additional assistance in getting children to and from contact.
If needed, we can provide a written report highlighting the trip and any interactions. We ensure that age appropriate car seats meeting Australian Safety Standards are used at all times and that our staff are trained in installing car seats according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Written Reports
At the end of the visit the contact supervisor will prepare a detailed written report. This report is compulsory and will be provided to both parties and the Court to evidence the time spent with the child.
Specifically the report will outline when the supervision took place, who was present, what activities took place, what was spoken about and most importantly any information relating to the wellbeing of the child.
For any questions you have about our service including availability our referral process and our fees. We’re here to help!
Read what our clients have to say about our Service.